There is now widespread agreement that the UK economy would benefit from a re-balancing towards high-technology manufacturing to be more resilient to downturns in the financial markets. This project sought to help achieve this by developing new and improved applications for utilising the electromagnetic spectrum, that impact diverse industries, from the radio communication and radar industries to the optical communication and devices industries.
To help us achieve this goal, an international advisory board, comprised of world-leading academics and representatives from leading UK companies and organisations, advised the Team on:
In particular, we obtained support from leading companies and Government organisations wishing to work with us in finding applications of this technology. These included DSTL, BAE Systems, Cobham, Flann Microwaves, STFC and NPL. Information about these companies is given below.
RAL Space, based at STFC's Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), are world-leaders in space research and technology development and work with space and ground-based groups around the world. Research activities are spread between a large number of research groups, each focussing on particular areas of expertise.
The Millimetre Wave Technology Group is expert in technology for heterodyne radiometry for frequencies between 100 GHz and 3.5 THz. Our devices, components and systems are used from ground, air and space borne platforms for astronomy and remote sensing of the Earth’s atmosphere. Examples of the Group’s capabilities range from mixers and frequency multipliers, through photomixer sources and wire grid polarisers, to autonomous cryogenic radiometer systems. World class design, assembly and test skills are complemented by a Precision Development Facility and a dedicated semiconductor processing laboratory.
High quality waveguide/microwave components and systems from Megahertz to Terahertz.
Flann Microwave is a market-leading designer and manufacturer of waveguide/microwave Antennas, Precision Components and Test and Measurement products operating from Megahertz to Terahertz.
Strong RF, Millimetric, Sub-Millimetric, Mechanical and Electronic design teams integrate with our world-leading micro-machining and fabrication plant to develop innovative solutions for our high profile International customers.
Product groups include Antennas, Attenuators, Calibration kits, Combiner-Splitters, Couplers, Controllers, Filters, Frequency Meters, Phase Shifters, Switches, Tees, Terminations, Transitions, Tuners & Waveguide Components.