Propagation measurement for body-centric communications in the microwave anechoic chamber
The Antenna and Electromagnetics Group’s philosophy in antenna design has always been high quality electromagnetic modelling supported by high quality measurements and, over its 40 year history, it has built an extensive Antenna Measurement Laboratory (AML), which now covers the frequency band from 500MHz to 345GHz. Supported by three full-time technical staff, the facility is arguably one of the most comprehensive in a European university and includes:
An extensive mechanical workshop is associated with the AML providing most of the Group’s prototype manufacturing needs including a developing CAD/CAM capability supported by:
The Group has a range of in-house developed antenna design software, as well as commercial CAD/CEM and CAD/CAM software, including:
The Group have two computational clusters for solving large electromagnetic problems and development of the in-house computational electromagnetics software:
Shared access to the MidPlus consortium cluster, currently consisting of 30 TB of RAM and 1320 cores at 2.4 GHz and hosted by QMUL, is also available.
The 3.5 TB cluster